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Auto Remarketing Acura dealers lead the way in study of service department phone calls

Auto Remarketing
Acura dealers lead the way in study of service department phone calls

July 2024

When it comes to calling the service department, Acura dealers are providing the industry's best customer service.

That's the conclusion of Pied Piper's 2024 PSI Service Telephone Effectiveness Study, which ranked Acura first among the 34 automobile brands analyzed for the efficiency and quality of service telephone calls from a customer's objective of quickly and easily setting up a service appointment.

Acura dealers, who averaged a score of 65 on the 100-point scale, edged Mazda (64) for the top spot, followed by Lexus (63) and Infiniti and Volkswagen, which tied at 61.

The industry average score was 58.

"Well-run service departments focus on increasing customer loyalty, and the first service experience to drive that loyalty is a customer's phone call to schedule an appointment," Pied Piper CEO Fran O'Hagan said. "Vehicle customers who find scheduling service difficult vote with their feet by moving to another dealership or an independent shop, or even getting rid of their problem vehicle."

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Printed: October 13, 2024

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