Recent Press Toyota and Honda Dealers Deemed Most Responsive to Customer Inquiries
Toyota and Honda Dealers Deemed Most Responsive to Customer Inquiries

March 2011

A new study, released by Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index (try saying that with a full mouth) turned up some interesting findings, specifically when it came to what's called Internet Lead Effectiveness rankings.

The study measured average dealership performance for all brands selling vehicles in the US and discovered that it varied widely depending on the brand. Toyota, Lexus and Honda dealerships were shown to rank highest in terms of responding to customer inquiries over the internet.

Pied Piper's study uses a patent pending process to tie ‘mystery shopping' measurement and scoring to actual sales success; with 19 different ‘Internet Lead Effectiveness' questions that generate scores on aspects such as Timeliness in response to customer inquiries, dealership and sales person identification, quality of communication and forwarding the sale.

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Printed: March 6, 2025

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