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Automotive News Infiniti dealerships take first place in online responsive study for second year in a row

Automotive News
Infiniti dealerships take first place in online responsive study for second year in a row

March 2022

Infiniti dealerships ranked highest in the Pied Piper PSI Internet Lead Effectiveness Study for the second year in a row, showing their ability to successfully work through the supply shortage and pandemic.

Pied Piper submitted 3,628 inquiries on dealership websites asking specific questions and gave a score out of 100 based on how well the dealerships responded over the next 24 hours, it said in a press release Monday.

Although Infiniti's score of 67 dropped from 71 last year, it still was 2 points higher than second-place finisher Cadillac.

Mazda and Subaru ranked the highest of mainstream brands, with scores of 61, the study said.

Both the pandemic and supply shortage have made Internet leads even more important for dealerships, as many serious buyers may not want to go into stores without knowing when a specific model will be available, Pied Piper CEO Fran O'Hagan told Automotive News.

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Printed: March 6, 2025

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