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Automotive News Study looks at how well dealerships answer service department telephone calls

Automotive News
Study looks at how well dealerships answer service department telephone calls

July 2024

Endless ringing or getting stuck on hold happens to one out of seven dealership service customers who try to schedule an appointment, according to new Pied Piper research.

In a first-of-its-kind study, Pied Piper called 2,716 automotive dealerships spanning 34 brands between January and May to measure the efficiency and quality of service calls when attempting to set up an appointment for a check engine light. The study aimed to measure a new and "invisible" metric for dealer principals and general managers to help boost their brand loyalty, Pied Piper CEO Fran O'Hagan said.

"Well-run service departments focus on increasing customer loyalty, and the first service experience to drive that loyalty is a customer's phone call to schedule an appointment," he said in a statement. "Vehicle customers who find scheduling service difficult vote with their feet by moving to another dealership or independent shop, or even getting rid of their problem vehicle."

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Printed: October 13, 2024

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