Motorcycle & Powersports News
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealers Ranked Highest by 2013 Pied Piper PSI
May 2013
Harley-DavIdson dealershIps Were top ranked in the newly released 2013 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) US. Motorcycle Industry Benchmarking Study, which measured dealership treatment of motorcycle shoppers. Study ran kings by brand Were determined by the patent-pendmg Pied PIper PSI process, which ties "mystery shopping" measurement and scoring to industry sales success.
For the first time since 2008 , Pied Piper also separately measured how effectively motorcycle dealerships responded to customer inquiries received online through dealership websites.
Harley-Davidson dealerships led all brands in 18 different sales activities, such as encouraging shoppers to sit on the motorcycle, asking for contact information and helping the shopper.
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