Powersports Business
Harley Dealers Rank Highest in PSI Study
May 2013
Pied Piper changes scoring system, and H-D stores remain on top
As a group, Harley-Davidson dealers excel at handling prospective customers. For the second year in a row, they topped Pied Piper Management Company, LLC's Prospect Satisfaction Index, with a score of 111. And they did so despite Pied Piper changing the scoring system.
Since the inception of PSI in 2007, Pied Piper has measured 57 variables when grading dealerships. Though the company still measured those variables, it only scored about 40, with a focus more on selling and less on factors such as the facility. As a result, some OEMs moved down on the list, while others moved up. BMW dealers, for example, always rate well on facility scores, but after those categories were removed, the group's overall score dropped.
“The industry average is still 100. The maximum PSI score for 2013 and beyond is 150, and the minimum is 50, so the individual dealer who is getting a PSI score approaching 150 is doing outstanding,” Pied Piper president Fran O'Hagan explained, adding that those dealerships with scores closer to 50 need improvement.
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