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Powersports Business Blog The Basic Stuff

Powersports Business Blog
The Basic Stuff

October 2012

I was in a dealership the other day conversing with a few of the team leaders. The discussion was centered on what was (and what was not!) happening in their sales department.

“Let's focus on which policies and procedures are being used in the department,” I said. “Great,” was the answer back from most everybody — except I did notice a “Why are you wasting my time?” look from one of the team leaders.

“Let's start with some of the basics,” I said, “like introducing yourself and asking someone's name.” The why-are-you-wasting-my-time fellow gave me a sour look that said, “I know that.”

“Great,” I said, “Let's talk about the importance of the write-up process and of making sure we always get contact information.”

“I know all about that, too” sneered you-know-who.

“That's even better,” I said. “And I bet you know the importance of always asking for the sale, or finding out what is preventing the purchase today, right?”

His indignant answer was, “You bet! After all, this is pretty basic stuff.” I agreed with him that it was.

Basic stuff: Asking for someone's name, introducing yourself, building rapport, a little fact-finding, getting contact information.

Basic stuff: Giving that prospective client a reason to want to buy from your dealership and from you.

Basic stuff: Explaining all the options you offer to make their purchase a memorable one — all the great reasons they will want to tell all their friends about and all the people they will recommend you to — because you did all the BASIC STUFF!

My know-it-all puffed his chest out and repeated, “I know all this.”

“Yes, we all know all this. But do you do ‘all this basic stuff' with every sale, with every opportunity?” I asked. There was silence. Mr. Why-are-you-wasting-my-time was pretty quiet, too.

You can know it all, but it is worth absolutely nothing if it's not implemented — implemented always, implemented without fail. This is after all, just basic stuff.

Every sale has five basic obstacles: No need, no money, no hurry, no desire, and no trust.

~ Zig Ziglar

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Printed: March 6, 2025

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