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Pied Piper Management Company, LLC - Measure, Report and Improve

"What if there was a recipe dealers could follow that would drive incremental sales and increase the loyalty of service customers?"

There is one – it's called Prospect Satisfaction Index® or PSI®. Here's how it works. Pied Piper uses data science over thousands of dealerships to calculate what are the specific best practice behaviors by phone, digitally or in-person that drive either sales success or service customer loyalty.

Pied Piper then uses a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning and human actors to measure and report whether dealerships follow those specific best practice behaviors. Lo and behold the dealers who follow those behaviors also tend to be the ones with sales success and with loyal service customers.

Clients use PSI to measure their own performance, but Pied Piper also publishes annual industry studies that rank the performance of brands and dealer groups, and that lets clients understand how their own performance compares, and they can also track how industry performance changes over time.

Who uses PSI? Manufacturers, national dealer groups and individual dealers all rely on PSI, but the way they use it can be very different.

Some dealers don't need any help defining best practice behaviors; they already have great processes for sales and service. For those dealers, think of PSI as a flashlight shining on the roaches – they don't need to be told roaches are bad or how to get rid of them – they just need that light as a regular check to see if they have a problem.

For other dealers who are interested in establishing best processes, PSI reports are very helpful showing the best practice behaviors that are followed successfully by others.

Either way, the math is clear, dealers who use PSI to "act like" a top performing dealership soon become a top performing dealership.

If this sounds like something that could be helpful, contact Pied Piper and try PSI measurement and reporting for your dealerships today.

All information contained within this site is based upon patent-pending and/or proprietary methodology belonging to or licensed by Pied Piper Management Company, LLC.

What Is PSI?


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Printed: March 13, 2025

All information contained within these documents is based upon patent-pending and/or proprietary methodology belonging to or licensed by Pied Piper Management Company, LLC and usage is subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Retailer Participation and License Agreement or other Agreements. Your acceptance of this information implies your consent to keep its contents private. © 2025 Pied Piper Management Company, LLC.