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Powersports Business Blog Harness anticipation to boost customer satisfaction and profitability

Powersports Business Blog
Harness anticipation to boost customer satisfaction and profitability

August 2012

Matt Appleman runs a very small custom bicycle shop in Minneapolis, specializing in hand-built carbon-fiber bicycle frames. Matt's business may be small, but he has adopted an important sales tool — anticipation — that you can apply at your dealership too. Matt describes how he builds bicycles like this: “Upon approval of the design, the fun starts for me, and the anticipation begins for you! As the frame is being built, I'll keep you up to date ... Read More >

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Powersports Business Blog Do today's motorcycles provide an opportunity to sell more extended warranties?

Powersports Business Blog
Do today's motorcycles provide an opportunity to sell more extended warranties?

July 2012

Stop and consider how much new technology is appearing on today's motorcycles. You know all about ABS brakes, maybe you have even ridden a motorcycle with traction control, but what about bikes with electronic suspension adjustment or a computer screen instead of separate instruments? Or ride by wire, or electronic quick-shift, or a plug-in GPS module to data-log laps around a racetrack? There are motorcycles for sale right now that offer all of ... Read More >

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Powersports Business Blog Who has it worse than rejected motorcycle salespeople?

Powersports Business Blog
Who has it worse than rejected motorcycle salespeople?

June 2012

We know that the typical motorcycle salesperson has to ask for the sale seven times to hear a customer say yes. What if there was a salesperson who had to ask for the sale 50 times to hear his first yes? Meet Jose Jiminez, who for the past year has manned a Southwest Airlines cart in the Ontario, Calif., airport, encouraging travelers to signup for a Southwest Airlines Visa card. Jiminez is not only a salesperson, but is one who can't let ... Read More >

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American Marketing Association: Marketing News Exclusives Harley-Davidson Leads the Pack in Retail Experience

American Marketing Association: Marketing News Exclusives
Harley-Davidson Leads the Pack in Retail Experience

May 2012

According to Mike Kennedy, vice president of North American sales for Harley-Davidson, their 2012 first place ranking for Pied Piper PSI comes after a year of focus on improving the sales process factors measured by Pied Piper PSI. Q: How do you ensure that all of your retail locations around the world have a coherent branded experience and stay at the top of the game? A: We're currently focused on a journey to elevate the customer experience. … ... Read More >

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Motorcycle & Powersports News Pied Piper Releases 2012 Prospect Satisfaction Index

Motorcycle & Powersports News
Pied Piper Releases 2012 Prospect Satisfaction Index

May 2012

Harley-Davidson dealerships returned to the top ranking in the newly released 2012 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) U.S. Motorcycle Industry Benchmarking Study, which measured dealership treatment of motorcycle shoppers. Study rankings by brand were determined by the patent-pending Pied Piper PSI process, which ties “mystery shopping” measurement and scoring to industry sales success. BMW and Ducati finished in a tie for second, ... Read More >

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Powersports Business Blog Harley dealers boast effective selling; what about other brands' dealers?

Powersports Business Blog
Harley dealers boast effective selling; what about other brands' dealers?

May 2012

2012 Pied Piper PSI results for the U.S. motorcycle industry confirm that Harley-Davidson dealerships sell as effectively in 2012 as they did back in 2008 — pre-recession — when motorcycle dealerships nationwide were still enjoying another year of solid sales. But what about the dealerships that sell Honda, Triumph, Kawasaki, or any of the other brands? Many of these dealerships operate in 2012 with half the dealership staff that they had in ... Read More >

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Dealernews Which dealers sell best? Harley, Ducati and BMW, say mystery shoppers

Which dealers sell best? Harley, Ducati and BMW, say mystery shoppers

May 2012

Harley-Davidson dealers return to the top ranking in Pied Piper Management Co.'s annual study measuring how well dealers treat motorcycle shoppers. The California-based research company today released results of the 2012 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) U.S. Motorcycle Industry Benchmarking Study. BMW and Ducati finished in a tie for second, followed by Triumph, Victory and Indian in a three-way tie for fourth. Industry-wide ... Read More >

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Press Release: Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealers Ranked Highest by 2012 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index(R) Industry benchmarking study shows widespread improvement in dealership treatment of motorcycle shoppers

Press Release: Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealers Ranked Highest by 2012 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index(R)
Industry benchmarking study shows widespread improvement in dealership treatment of motorcycle shoppers

May 2012

Monterey, California – May 7, 2012 – Harley-Davidson dealerships returned to the top ranking in the newly released 2012 Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index® (PSI®) U.S. Motorcycle Industry Benchmarking Study, which measured dealership treatment of motorcycle shoppers. Study rankings by brand were determined by the patent-pending Pied Piper PSI process, which ties “mystery shopping” measurement and scoring to industry sales success. BMW and ... Read More >

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Powersports Business Blog Are you a tour guide for your customers?

Powersports Business Blog
Are you a tour guide for your customers?

April 2012

Tim Mayhew, the ringleader of Pashnit Motorcycle Tours in Northern California, reports that business is booming, and this year's tours are nearly all sold out. Demand from repeat customers is so strong that Mayhew has had to increase the number of annual tours just to meet demand from repeat customers. Mayhew's customers clearly have the time of their life on these tours, which they enjoy not only for the motorcycle riding but also for the ... Read More >

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Powersports Business Blog Your dirt riding customers are only hibernating. Wake them up.

Powersports Business Blog
Your dirt riding customers are only hibernating. Wake them up.

March 2012

In 2005, more than 275,000 dirt bikes were sold in the U.S., but over the next six years dirt bike retails plummeted 75 percent – more of a drop than any other motorcycle category. Most of those dirt bike customers are still around, but do they still ride? Are they riding, but just not replacing their bikes as often? Is it possible to coax these dirt riders out of “new-bike-purchase-hibernation” to get them interested in buying a new dirt bike ... Read More >

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Printed: September 21, 2024

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